Search Results

Common across all search endpoints, there are a number of fields returned in the results JSON.


An array of matched documents with their id and score. The id is the document ID provided during ingestion. The score is the document's calculated relevance to the query from the Vantage platform's semantic similarity algorithm, along with any adjustments from boosting and keyword weights.

sort_score will be identical to the sort in most cases, but if you sorted by another field the value of that field will be returned.

  "results": [
          "id": "84740262",
          "score": 0.8804768323898315,
          "sort_score": 0.8804768323898315,
          "id": "96220430",
          "score": 0.8755715489387512
          "sort_score": 0.8755715489387512


The same request_id you passed to the search endpoint.

  "request_id": 333666,


The elapsed time in milliseconds that the Vantage platform took to search and return the results.

  "execution_time": 89,


The status code, matched to HTTP status codes, for the result of the search call.

Status CodeStatus Message
200Success OK
500Internal Server Error
403Unknown api key, please check your api key and try again
  "status": 200,


More detail on the reason for the status code. See status messages above for example messages that come with corresponding status codes.

  "status": 403,
  "message": "Unknown api key, please check your api key and try again"